Thursday 5 October 2017

How to manage your time effectively

                          How to manage your Time effectively

   Lately, I have been trying to do everything, but it's hard to find free time. I want to do so many things in one day and when I skip one or two things in my do to list, I feel guilty about it and then the next day it's harder, not easier. And that's why I want to talk about time management, well you can't manage time, it's more about self-management. 

 When you do "do to list", then you want to do the hardest thing first. That's what I have always done. But I realized that sometimes doing the hardest thing will not make next day easier. So I think you should ask yourself three questions about your hardest task in your do to list. 
  • Will this task help me to reach a goal?
  • Does it make my life/tomorrow easier? 
  • Does it have to be done today?
 There are days where I say "I do not have time for that" or "I don't have time for myself". We all wish that we have more time. If you say yes to something then you are telling no for other things. So you have to prioritize your tasks. What is the most important thing you want to do right now? Get an education - then you have to study first and then do your hobbies... Lose weight? Career? Write a book? If you want to do it all, then you should plan your week properly. Plan your time properly.

 And then you do not want to overwhelm yourself with these tasks. If you have a plan and you take a break from that, like 30min for yourself then it will feel like a small vacation in your day. You will enjoy this coffee break more because you are using your time wisely. You feel like you deserve this pause because you have been productive all day.

Plan a Successful Day

  • Wake up early - still, sleep ca 7h
  • Set your schedule, list your do dos
  • Prioritize healthy habits - plan your meals, snacks, and exercises
  • Select your top three - keep focused on your priorities
  • Plan for tomorrow
  • Break big tasks into pieces

 When I am watching TV, my favorite shows from TLC or just something for fun. I feel like I'm wasting my valuable time. And then I will feel guilty for doing nothing. I will think that I could have done so much more with this time. So now I will do my workouts while I watch TV. I discovered that multitasking is actually really easy.  When I'm cooking I can clean the same time and so on.

Of course, there are cons as well in multitasking

 You have to find what will work for You. 

        Your goals

 When some goals are frightening or you think they are too big. Then it's better if you take step by step, and you should break your big goals into small tasks

  1. Estimate your situation. What worked before? What didn't? What do you want to improve and achieve?
  2. Write it down. 
  3. Break it down. Break down your goals into manageable and small steps not to overwhelm yourself
  4. Hold yourself accountable. Maintain focus and discipline throughout your process
  5. Reward yourself. It will motivate you and you will stay positive. 
  6. Develop systems and habits. Effective habits will make it easier for you to accomplish your goals on a regular basis.

Plan your week to be productive

  • Select monthly goals  (fitness, money, budgeting, blogging...)
  • Make a list of tasks for each goal. 
Make a plan for every monthly goal. Like how much weight do you want to lose this month so you will reach your goal what is like in 6 months or how much money you have to save this month that you can buy a computer for Christmas. And so on.
  • Schedule the task
Take your tasks and separate them into weekly "do to list"
  • Plan how much time you will spend on these tasks and put them on your weekly calendar - 
Working out 3per week and 1h. Reading books a 1h every day. Working on a personal project/hobby 2h every day. 

 So I hope that there were some tips and tricks that you can use. Now technology has developed so much, there are many apps that you can use. Fun agendas, stickers and so on. You can print fun daily planners. You just have to try and see what is best for you. What will WORK for you.

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