Friday, 27 January 2017

What to do with mason jar tops. DIY

Lets do something fun with mason jar tops.

What can you do with your jars? Are you throwing them away? There is so many things what you can do with them. I have struggled with my workout a lot... But when it's more fun then I want to do it more. So i think having this cute jar full of workouts will bring you more motivation. 

It's really simple, there are something what do you need.

* Mason jar (of  course) - medium.
* Spray paint, i used belton molotow premium reference street-art colors.
* Stickers (what you don't need) - or you can use washy tape to make it more fun
* Post it notes  - or you can cut just regular paper or colored one too. :)

 These sticker are for making this jar looking more fun. Also washy tape is fine. (I got these stickers from aliexpress)

So just stick sticker on it and then spray it all over. Then let it try. Then carefully take the stickers off.

Then just take post it notes and write exercises on it, everything what you want. 

If you are done with that workout then but it in the envelope so it would not repeat.

   45 minutes yoga
   30 min arm and shoulder
   60 min abs
   Belly dance .... and so on. 

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